On His Heels

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I had a few minutes while waiting on my cup of Starbucks to finish brewing in the coffee maker. Oh yes! I love coffee and I love Starbucks. I've gotten to where I can't (won't) drink the other stuff.

It feels weird this morning. I took off most of the day yesterday (I had to go in a finish financial statements for February. You wouldn't believe how fun that is(that's sarcasm)). All day yesterday, Kristy and I were thinking it was Saturday. Since I've worked at the college, I haven't had a lot of Saturdays. We've missed that. Having free Saturdays is good for us and we need to do it more. Growing up, we always cleaned the house and yard in the morning and just relaxed the rest of the day. That's what we do now when we have the chance.

We're having Keith and Carlee Denton over tonight. I think I'll grill some steaks and shrimp. It'll be fun. They're planning to move back here. We are all excited!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I was blessed yesterday with some unexpected visitations. Mike McCafferty, one of my best friends and an awesome Christian man, husband, father, dropped by just after lunch. We had a good visit sharing our hearts like we usually do when we get together.

Next, Shawn Hardin and I made a visit to a family out in the county. Michelle and Tyrone lost their mother last year some time. She was a kind lady who we met through the 5 Loaves Ministry that we used to operate. The people were great; their living accommodations were not. My brothers on the Coast know about poverty. I don't. If you get a chance to listen to Derek Webb's "Rich Young Ruler" you ought to. I believe that the Kingdom is about generosity. I'm trying to turn loose of my "stuff". I've been really convicted lately about making friends with people who have nothing. I needed this visit.

Joel and Jeff came by the office to talk. I wish I could spend more time with them.

I've been struggling with what to teach the teens in Bible class. Last night, we sat around the campfire and just talked about things they want to learn more about. It was fun (should we be having fun during Bible class?). We're going to look at church history in the fall. They seemed to be pretty excited!

Kristy was excited about the Coker family prodigies yesterday. Check them out!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yesterday was a pretty good day until the afternoon. I had started the day with a list of things to accomplish, and unlike most days, I got it all done. I spent most of the afternoon working on insurance.

I hate insurance and I generally dislike and mistrust insurance agents. I have to be careful here because my father-in-law is one, and he's a good man. I just don't like how insurance sales is all about encouraging people's fears about what might happen. It's always about "what if..."

We've been using an out-of-town agent for insurance for a while. Recently, the local agent of the same company approached me about handling the account. I felt like he was trying to threaten me. "We support ya'll and always give to your annual events, so we think you ought to do business with us." They didn't say, "This will be better for you because the product is more suitable to your needs, we provide better service, etc." If you ask me, it had "small-town politics" written all over it. But, of course, I gave in. You know, don't rock the boat, Allen, or take a stand against injustice.

Anyway, I called the out-of-town agent. He was mad at the other agent for stealing his business. So, I got caught in the middle. That reminded me what I hate about the American business world and competition. I'm tired of playing the sales and business game. I think the next time a salesman approaches me and starts his pitch, I may punch him in the nose!

The day ended on a better note. Several of the Bible college students roasted hot dogs and made s'mores by the campfire. Joel came. It was good to just enjoy the good weather and laughter with friends.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Truth is Generally Preferable to Lies

I've been reading through the Harry Potter books before I watch the movies. They are really good! I found this quote in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Harry and another student, Cedric Diggory, are taken by portkey to a cemetary where Lord Voldemort (the antagonist) is recreating his body. Voldemort kills Cedric but Harry escapes bringing Cedric's body back with him. The other students at Hogwarts find out that Cedric is dead and that it involves Harry, but beyond that, they don't know how it happened. At the final feast of the school year, Dumbledore stands up and says:

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so - either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies,..."

It is my belief, too.

I'm reading through the Potter books Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Today I preached at Meridian. While there I ate lunch with Jesse and Jackie Simpson and Twayne and Jeri Mobley. We had a great time. I spent the afternoon watching NASCAR at the Simpson's home. They have a beautiful place. Meridian is awaiting a new minister. Jesse is an elder. I think they have some good plans for the future. Sounds like they are seeking to become more missional. I commend them for that.

Andrew said his first word today. It was "Bye, bye." Guess he's seen Dad leave a bit too often.